Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Brand New Hairstyle!

By the way, I did some drastic change with my hair while in Ho Chi Minh! No particular reason really. My sisters thought I looked such a drag with long hair so they really forced me to do the most random thing and cut my hair very short. I am not high maintenance at all especially with hair so I thought perhaps this would save me from having to use more products for my hair. Nevertheless, it happened! I look more boyish now but I guess I am getting used to it. (The high maintenance part just got bigger! I have to use a hair mousse now.)


  1. Well, you look chic, bold and you kinda 'say' it aloud that you got BOLDER.

  2. Wow, that's a pretty brave move. You look fabulous though!

    1. thanks! still getting used to this but i think m doing ayt.

  3. I think you're rockin it!! Wish I could be so brave to go so short! You look great! XOXOXO

  4. You pull it off beautifully! And it must be so easy to style:)
    Have a great weekend~


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