Friday, June 15, 2012

June Wedding

Every time I attend a wedding I feel like I have to incorporate some of its good points on my own in the future or to have one already. But it's a real treat to be honest. Weddings are great venues to feel in love again. Both the couple give compliments and share promises to each other, a pledge if you would say. And to see my friend just overflowing with love and happiness, it's so lovely to see. And of course the groom feeling the same way, that's a plus!   

The venue was so sleek and there was a live acapella band just in the hall while they were fixing the reception after the ceremony and with so tasty sweets (you can't get enough of!) I think this is my favorite part of all. The sweets plus the band! Perfect!


  1. Weddings are always fun. We are celebrating our 12 year anniversary ths month!

    Looks like a great wedding you attended. Hope you have a great weekend!!

    1. wow 12 years! congrats and have a great one! :-)


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