Friday, April 24, 2015

Start of an annual ritual, perhaps!

So it's been a while since I posted here. How are you guys? There's been a lot of things happening lately. Well, basically work but nevertheless, they were fun.

I am going to start with the first ever experience I have with Hinuklog. If you ask what it is, it is an annual community theater that the municipality of Medina, Misamis Oriental conduct since the 70s but only revived five years ago. Over 200 residents joined this year. Basically, they portray the Last Passion of Christ, from the betrayal of Judas to the last supper up to his crucifixion.

Ok, so I've witnessed a number of plays before. But what's unique with this is that it is a community effort. I don't remember any community doing this these days. Yes, there are festivals, but not plays. It's really a good experience. In fact, it's really cool.

I took photos if you'd like to see.

Look at the kids at the pole! 

So many media people came.

Look who I bumped into? Xavier Center for Culture and Arts Director, my previous boss, Hobart Savior.

I think it is just awesome. This might be a start of my annual ritual during holy week in Medina.

P.S. A pose with "Jesus". Seriously.

And thank you to Ms Judy Aclan of DTI MisOr for inviting us and the local government of Medina and Fresh Fruits Ingredients for the accommodation at Resorts de Alberto.

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