Sunday, May 5, 2013

A little update at home

 So everything at home is quite a mess. I get home and practically everything in ruins, thanks nak.

Dwayne loves "tents" basically a blanket that's been tied on two ends. He loves the thought of hiding and he always says, "Mama, be quiet" as if someone would hear us and if someone was looking for us. 

His papa would then sneak in and surprise him.

He loves to hide in his tent, thanks to his tita who made it for him.

Did I mention, I love this kid to the fullest? Yup, I do.

 Oh Dwayne, I know you're going to be one good kid and one lean man.


  1. How cute! My little guy is all about building 'forts' with the couch cushions and blankets. They are so much fun at this stage.

    And my house is a mess 95% of the time! Such as life, huh?!!

  2. cute cute cute!

    xo, brooke

    ps: stop by my blog to enter a giveaway i'm hosting!

  3. How sweet! I love how he is playing in a little fort! I hope to make forts with my little one when he gets bigger!


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